Friday 16 January 2015

recording myself singing

Listening to my own singing has always been a problem for me I don't like to her my own voice recorded so this makes it hard to analyse my vocal work, over this year I have started to work on getting used to listening to my own voice any developing my vocal skills and critical skills  from what I hear.

At first it was hard not to just turn it off and say it was all terrible and pick it apart completely but after working on it and getting over the embarrassment I was able to improve my singing range and ability I found it really hard to not be overly critical of my singing as it is always said  'I'm my own worst critic' . gradually I was able to pick out things that I could work on pulling it back one layer at a time, the things like going out of tune or messing up the words is where I started. working on the big things until I got down to the tiny little things such as breathing in the wrong place for the song. this has really helped me improve my singing and confidence over all.

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