Saturday 3 January 2015

Learning E minor and C

While learning the first 2 chords I hit a few problems I found that my fingers needed to harden up before I could play the guitar properly and for an extended period of time, I found if I play regularly then this problem will lessen as I practise. I also found that because my fingers hurt when I played I couldn't push the strings down enough so I ended up with a muted sound, by building up the calluses on my fingers I will be able to stop this from happening. After talking to someone who can play guitar well I was told that I needed to arch my fingers more as I was unintentionally muting the stings the only way I found to fix this was just to practice and strum one string at a time to check if I had muted them.

I found it quite difficult to change chords quickly and to remember the right positioning for my fingers for each chord to improve my muscle memory I will practice the chord position without strumming.

I have now moved on to the next 2 chords in the four chord song.

E minor this is one of the easier chords to remember two fingers 2 strings one fret. (JustinGuitar (2009))

I find he formation of the C chord the hardest to do as my fingers are not long enough. After speaking to a guitarist I found they had the same problem starting out but with practice and trying out different styles and hand positioning I will be able to find the best way for me to play the C chord.

(JustinGuitar (2009))

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