Friday 2 January 2015

learning guitar Four chords G and D

This year I decided I really wanted to learn how to play the guitar so I started looking on YouTube for Videos that may help me pick up chords and strumming patterns. One of the first videos I looked at looks at the four chords needed to play some popular songs I got the idea to look into these chords because of a song by 'Axes Of Awesome' the four chords used in this video and in that song were G,D E minor and C. the first two chords I wanted to learn were G and D
 JustinGuitar (2009) This is a G Chord, I find this image helped me as not only dose it show the chord written down it also shows someone playing the chord, this is a screen capture from a video I found I added this picture because I not only want to follow the videos but I want to be able to look on websites and know what chords I need just by looking at them.

This is An example of a D Chord I found this on a YouTube JustinGuitar (2009) video but I find the still images easier to follow as the videos seem to be a little patronizing.

These are the first chords i have learnt i am Going to practice them before learning any more. My next post will be about the next two chords in the four chord song.

If My skills improve enough I want to include my guitar on my final performance along with my own lyrics, the group task helped me learn new skills in writing, I learned that if I just play around with instruments and things then I am able to create something without realising it. I will try this new skill when writing my song by using my guitar and finding chords and trying different strumming patterns to create the melody for my song and from there work on lyrics to fit what I have created.

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