Wednesday 15 October 2014

Written Song

Nat and I were given a piece of text to work off, it is a Speech from Martin Luther King Jr.' I've been to the mountain top. I've Looked over, and I've seen the promised land. i may not get there with you. but i want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land.' and had to create a song based on this piece of text, to start we looked at the flow to the text and split it up into sections and created a sort of narrative to the song. 
I worked on the idea of the promised land and what this might be to some people and i started by using the first line 'I've been to the mountain top' and changed it to 'i've climbed the tallest mountain and swam the farthest sea' i thought that this was a good place to start from, the lyrics created don't have a verse chorus style of writing but more of a narrative story, I chose this style because I thought it worked better with the stimulus we were given to work with because in my opinion the speech has a beginning middle and end. 
We both found it hard to create a tune or melody behind the lyrics as neither of us can play an instrument but if I continue to work on this song I think the chord added will be simple because I think that the lyrics are quite sad and full of emotion and I don't want that to be lost when adding music.

  I've Climbed the highest Mountains,
I've swam the Farthest seas,
Just to find the promised land 
To have you next to me 
  I don't know when I'll get there,
and I really don't Know how 
I just know that when I do 
you'll be helping me though
  I know I must travel this journey alone
but when i reach the promised land 
after my time here has ended 
you'll be at those gates guiding me by the hand 
  I've spend so long on this earth 
waiting for this day 
the day I get to meet you again 
soon I hope and pray
  now I have reached my last day 
my journeys's finally though
I can see the promised land 
and with it you 
  I questioned why you were taken from me 
every single day 
but now  know they needed you 
to give a hand and say 
  'you have finally reached the promised land
 your journeys almost though,
 take my hand and let me
 guide you to something new.

We received feedback and advice from the group this is the good :
 we had a good interpretation of the text that we were given, 
a good concept,
Ability to make music 
Gorgeous Lyrics 

the improvements and advice was that:
we should add rhythm
when using chords we should used minor chords
 some of the lyrics need to be changed to fit with the rhythm and melody
'pop some cords on and improvise'
add instruments and melody.

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